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La microscopie au service de la mission OSIRIS-REx

A few months ago, the OSIRIS-REx space mission brought samples of the asteroid Bennu back to Earth. The first studies have just been published in Nature and Nature Astronomy. They show that this primitive body, dating from the earliest days of our solar system, possesses a complex chemistry with molecules that are later found in the living world.

Pierre-Marie Zanetta, now post-doc at the LGL-TPE in Saint-Etienne, studied these samples using electron microscopy. He is co-author of one of these published papers. Well done to him!

Poste IE NOEMI "Microscopie électronique"

type d'offre: 
LTDS, UMR 5513 - Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Description de l'offre: 

Le Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (LTDS) – UMR 5513 – et l’Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) - UMR 5270 - bénéficient, dans le cadre de la campagne de mobilité interne IT hiver 2024/2025 du CNRS, de l’affichage d’un poste NOEMI (NOuveaux Emplois offerts à la Mobilité Interne) dans le
