Epitaxial lift-off of InGaAs solar cells from InP substrate using a strained AlAs/InAlAs superlattice as a novel sacrificial layer

TitreEpitaxial lift-off of InGaAs solar cells from InP substrate using a strained AlAs/InAlAs superlattice as a novel sacrificial layer
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuteursChancerel, F., P. Regreny, J.L. Leclercq, S. Brottet, M. Volatier, A. Jaouad, M. Darnon, S. Fafard, N.P. Blanchard, M. Gendry, and V. Aimez
JournalSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Pagination204 - 212
Date PublishedJan-06-2019
Short TitleSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells