
286 resultats trouvés
Joly-Pottuz, L., R. Zhang, T. Albaret, T. Epicier, I. Jenei, M. Cobian, D. Stauffer, and K. Masenelli-Varlot, "CeOx Elastic Properties: An In Situ Nanocompression Study in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy (ETEM)", JOM, vol. 76, issue 5, pp. 2326 - 2335, Jan-05-2024.
Seydoux-Guillaume, A.-M., P. Rochette, E. Gardés, P.-M. Zanetta, S. Sao-Joao, P. de Parseval, and B.P. Glass, "Clues on the Australasian impact crater site inferred from detailed mineralogical study of a monazite inclusion in a Muong Nong tektite", Geology, Apr-09-2024.
Verberne, R., S. M. Reddy, D. Fougerouse, A-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, D. W. Saxey, W. D. A. Rickard, Z. Quadir, and C. Clark, "Clustering and interfacial segregation of radiogenic Pb in a mineral host-inclusion system: Tracing two-stage Pb and trace element mobility in monazite inclusions in rutileAbstract", American Mineralogist, vol. 109, issue 9, pp. 1578 - 1590, Jan-09-2024.
Turuani, M., A-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, A. T. Laurent, D. Fougerouse, S. L. Harley, S. M. Reddy, P. Goncalve, D. Saxey, J. Michaud, J-M. Montel, et al., "From ID-TIMS U-Pb dating of single monazite grain to APT-nanogeochronology: application to the UHT granulites of Andriamena (North-Central Madagascar)", BSGF, 2024.
Zanetta, P-M., A-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, P. Rochette, B. Reynard, V. Tricaud, P. Soro, S. Singsoupho, A. Nicaise Kouamelan, O. Monda, and D. Baratoux, "Origin of the Ca-phosphate inclusions in Ivory Coast and Australasian Muong-Nong-type tektites", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Jan-09-2024.
Thomas, E., S. Briançon, F. Chaput, G. Camilla Magnano, I. Trenque, D. Arquier, C. Barratier, D. Amans, T. Devers, I. Pitault, et al., "Tailor-Made Synthesis of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Improving the Skin Decontamination of ParaoxonTailor-Made Synthesis of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Improving the Skin Decontamination of Paraoxon", ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 7, issue 14, pp. 16052 - 16065, Feb-07-2026, 2024.
Nakhoul, A., A. Rudenko, C. Maurice, S. Reynaud, F. Garrelie, F. Pigeon, and J‐P. Colombier, "Boosted Spontaneous Formation of High‐Aspect Ratio Nanopeaks on Ultrafast Laser‐Irradiated Ni Surface", Advanced Science, vol. 9, issue 21, pp. 2200761, 01/2022.
Seydoux-Guillaume, A.-M., T. de Resseguier, G. Montagnac, S. Reynaud, H. Leroux, B. Reynard, and A.J. Cavosie, "Bridging the shocked monazite gap – Deformation microstructures in natural and laser shock-loaded samples", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 595, pp. 117727, 01/2022.
Cherifi, A., M. Aouine, J. M. Decams, C. Rocha, V. Bellière-Baca, and J. M. M. Millet, "Chemical vapor deposition (DLI-CVD) and characterization of multiphasic molybdate-based catalysts for propene oxidation", Catalysis Science & Technology, 01/2022.
Faraz, K., T. Grenier, C. Ducottet, and T. Epicier, "Deep learning detection of nanoparticles and multiple object tracking of their dynamic evolution during in situ ETEM studies", Scientific Reports, vol. 12, issue 1, 01/2022.
Gao, J., A. Malchère, S. Yang, A. Campos, T. Luo, K. Quertite, P. Steyer, C. Girardeaux, L. Zhang, and D. Mangelinck, "Dewetting of Ni silicide thin film on Si substrate: In-situ experimental study and phase-field modeling", Acta Materialia, vol. 223, pp. 117491, 01/2022.
Kim, J., M. Ferree, S. Gunduz, J-M. M. Millet, M. Aouine, A. C. Co, and U. S. Ozkan, "Exsolution of nanoparticles on A-site-deficient lanthanum ferrite perovskites: its effect on co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 2483 - 2495, 01/2022.
Machon, D., S. Le Floch, S. Mishra, S. Daniele, K. Masenelli-Varlot, P. Hermet, and P. Mélinon, "Extreme structural stability of Ti 0.5 Sn 0.5 O 2 nanoparticles: synergistic effect in the cationic sublattice", Nanoscale, vol. 14, issue 38, pp. 14286 - 14296, 06/2022.
Taitt, R., M. Urbain, K. Bredillet, Z. Behel, G. Ceccone, J. Bañuls‐Ciscar, S. Beauquis, Y. Mugnier, P‐F. Brevet, R. Le Dantec, et al., "Gold Raspberry Shell Grown onto Nonspherical Lithium Niobate Nanoparticles for Second Harmonic Generation and Photothermal Applications", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, vol. 39, issue 11, pp. 2200093, 01/2022.
Prudent, M., D. Iabbaden, F. Bourquard, S. Reynaud, Y. Lefkir, A. Borroto, J-F. Pierson, F. Garrelie, and J-P. Colombier, "High-Density Nanowells Formation in Ultrafast Laser-Irradiated Thin Film Metallic GlassAbstract", Nano-Micro Letters, vol. 14, issue 1, 01/2022.
Carone, A., P. Mariani, A. Désert, M. Romanelli, J. Marcheselli, M. Garavelli, S. Corni, I. Rivalta, and S. Parola, "Insight on Chirality Encoding from Small Thiolated Molecule to Plasmonic Au@Ag and Au@Au Nanoparticles", ACS Nano, vol. 16, issue 1, pp. 1089 - 1101, Jan-01-2024, 2022.
Turuani, M.J., A.T. Laurent, A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, D. Fougerouse, D. Saxey, S.M. Reddy, S.L. Harley, S. Reynaud, and W.D.A. Rickard, "Partial retention of radiogenic Pb in galena nanocrystals explains discordance in monazite from Napier Complex (Antarctica)", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 588, pp. 117567, 01/2022.
Timm, M. M., L. Saviot, A. Crut, N. Blanchard, L. Roiban, K. Masenelli-Varlot, L. Joly-Pottuz, and J. Margueritat, "Study of Single Gold Nanocrystals by Inelastic Light Scattering SpectroscopyStudy of Single Gold Nanocrystals by Inelastic Light Scattering Spectroscopy", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 126, issue 7, pp. 3606 - 3613, 12/2022.
Capitolis, J., M. Hamandi, M. Hochedel, S. El‐Jallal, E. Drouard, C. Chevalier, J‐L. Leclercq, J. Penuelas, T. Dursap, S. Brottet, et al., "Two‐dimensional photonic metasurfaces for slow light‐controlled photocatalysis", Nano Select, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 108 - 117, 01/2022.
Ryaboshapka, D., L. Piccolo, M. Aouine, P. Bargiela, V. Briois, and P. Afanasiev, "Ultradispersed (Co)Mo catalysts with high hydrodesulfurization activity", Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 302, pp. 120831, 01/2022.
