Web page of Thierry EPICIER updated June 26 2015 |
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Function: Directeur
de Recherches CNRS Field: Chemistry of Materials, Nanomaterials and Processes Email: thierry.epicier@insa-lyon.fr Address: University of Lyon, MATEIS, umr5510 CNRS INSA de Lyon, Université Lyon I Bât. Blaise Pascal F-69621 Villeurbanne Cedex |
Profile | Research interest |
Misc | Teaching |
Publications |
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I got my PhD in 1982 at the INSA/Université Lyon I/ECL research
and high education pole in 1982, and a Doctorate es Sciences degree
(‘french Thèse d’État’ n°88/SAL/0038) in 1988, on the study of ordering
phenomena and dislocations in metallic carbides. From 2003 to 2010, I was the leader of the ‘Structure, Nano- and Microstructures’ (SNMS) of the MATEIS unit, a CNRS-associated lab. at INSA Lyon dealing with physical and multi-functional properties of all classes of materials, which he joined after a post-doctoral stay at the NCEM, Lawrence Berkeley Lab. in 1988-1989. This group of 5 to 7 permanents researchers and teachers is currently in charge of the Electron Microscopy units of the MATEIS lab., and is deeply implicated in those of the CLYM structure. In 2007, I became Director of the CLYM research Federation (Consortium Lyon - St-Etienne de Microscopie, housing 8 microscopy units shared between 13 public partners). As such, I am is a member of the platforms committee of the French network “METSA” which links eight platforms in France (Tranmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe network), among which CLYM in Lyon. I am also the Director of the CNRS Research Federation METSA FR3507 created in 2012. |
I am involved in Transmission Electron Microscopy since more than 20 years and have a general
experience in Electron Microscopy, as attested by the various domains
covered by its scientific production: - Conventional TEM applied to dislocations analysis and plasticity elementary mechanisms - Study of long-range order phenomena - High Resolution imaging (grain-boundary structures in ceramics, nano-particles, precipitation in alloys, image simulation and development of computer programs) - Analytical TEM: EDX and EELS for quantitative elemental analysis (carbon and or nitrogen in sub-stoichiometric metallic carbo-nitrides) or valence and chemical bond analysis (ELNES, FEFF simulations, anisotropic effects - trichroïsm -) - High Angle Annular Dark Field imaging (conventional and at atomic resolution), Cs-corrected HREM (and HAADF), electron tomography - SEM (STEM mode, tomography), FIB and 3D ‘slice-and-view’ imaging or EBSD analysis - (since 2013), Environmental TEM All these studies were declined to different classes of materials: metallic alloys (including steels), ceramics, nano-particles (core-shell structures, bi-metallic phases for magnetic applications, hybrid nano-materials, nanowires, catalysts), polymers and various kinds of heterogeneous and composite materials. |
Other Responsabilities I was the General Physics Secretary of the French Microscopy Society SFµ (www.sfmu.fr) in 2010 and 2011 and presented the BID for organizing the next European Microscopy Conference in France, under the auspices of the SFµ, the European Society (EMS) and the word body IFSM. As such, I am the chairman of EMC2016 (www.emc2016.fr) in Lyon F, and member of the EMS board since 2012. Collaborations I have been involved in several National or International Research programs, (e.g. International collaborations with Japan, Belgium, Spain, Ukraine, England, Italy, China, USA among many others). I am also regularly involved in industrial cooperative programs with local and national French industries. |
I have published 113 referred papers, about 75 Proceedings of
Conferences and have attended with about 230 contributions more than
120 National and International Congresses or Workshops (with 48 invited
talks as speakers and 13 additional ones as co-authors, among which 40
in international Conferences and/or Schools). I have supervised
directly 18 PhD students and 15 post-docs. |