The inauguration of the Ly-EtTEM microscope
Villeurbanne, November 25-26 2013

Ly-EtTEM stands for Lyon - Environmental tomographic Transmission Electron Microscope.
This instrument is based on a FEI-Titan ETEM, 80-300 kV, equipped with a X-MAX SDD
EDX detector from Oxford-Instrument and a Tridiem ERs GIF from Gatan.
It has been installed in January 2013 in a dedicated building of the IRCELYON laboratory,
one of the 12 CLYM partners.
Time lapse installation of the instrument (2 weeks of montage in 2')

The 'CPER' project
The Ly-EtTEM microscope was funded by national and regional French institutions in the frame of the so-called
'Contrat de Plan Etat - Région'. A project was driven by CLYM to acquire two instruments including the Titan ETEM. Financial support
for these equipements came form the
Ministry of High Education and Research, the Institue of Chemistry from
the CNRS, the Rhône-Alpes
Region and the 'Great Lyon' urban
community. Complementary support was provided by the CNRS and CLYM
partners for the building and
analytical accessories.

The official opening ceremony
The official inauguration of the Ly-EtTEM microscope was held on November 25th (2013) at the CNRS Rhône-Auvergne delegation. Allocutions wre pronounced by the
official representants of the
supporting instituions, the local CNRS direction and the IRCELYON
laboratory as well as the CLYM Federation. A general overview about
Environmental TEM was presented by
Joerg Jinschek, responsible for the ETEM program at FEI.
Hanging on the Ly-EtTEM board on the microscope building; from left to right: Anne Le Bars, representing the Rhône-Alpes region;
Amandine Lhéritier, CNRS
Rhône-Auvergne, Deputy-Director; Michel Lacroix, IRCELYON
Director; Sophie Jullian, DRRT Director;
Christian Rolando, CNRS Institute of Chemistry, Deputy-Director; Thierry Epicier, CLYM Director.
On November 26th, CLYM organized an International Workshop on Environmental TEM, which took place in the Rotonde amphitheater
of the INSA de Lyon. About 90
people form various laboratories from the University of Lyon and some
colleagues from different universities,
public laboratoires and private
companies have attended the event. Dedicated conferences were given
by ETEM international specialists:
Dr. Seiji Takeda from Osaka University, Japan, Peter Crozier (ASU Tempe, USA), Jakob B. Wagner (CEN-DTU, Copenhaguen, Denmark)
and Henny Zandbergen (Delft
University, The Netherlands). Local contributions respectively on
Environmental SEM and TEM were brought
by Karine Masenelli-Varlot (MATEIS-INSA Lyon, F) and Francisco Cadete Santos Aires (IRCELYON, University Lyon I, F).